Our Programme Structure Options
3 Days Education
Our programmes are all 3 days in length and run 9.30am to 3.30 pm. All programmes incorporate either work experience/volunteering as well as gaining qualifications/independence skills
Up to 2 Days Enrichment
3 day education provision plus 1 or 2 day enrichment programmes.
If you are aged 16-18 County may be able to fund this for you. You can access this programme irrespective of who your provider is, so why not mix and match the college environment with our enrichment experiences?
What programmes are available and what are the entry requirements?

New for 2024/25
Steps 2 is our foundation level programme. This is a hybrid of class/group learning as well as 1:1 provision.
There are no formal entry requirements for this programme. All places are allocated based on whether we feel we can meet need.
The purpose of this programme is to offer continued education for those who may be working at a low level e.g pre entry/entry 1/entry 2. We tailor as much of the programme around each young person as possible,

Our Core Programme
Live & Work does exactly what is says! Provides skills for both independent living whilst offering as many work experience opportunities as possible.
This is also our longest running programme offering qualifications from entry level 3 to level 2.
The purpose of this programme is to encourage learners to find their direction whether this be work, volunteering or life long learning.

The only transition programme out of education
This programme was developed in 2022/23 following requests from parents.
We spend the entire year building confidence in independent living skills as well as work/volunteering.
The main purpose of this programme is to create a secure future after education which answers the question – ‘what does life look like after education?’

Me 2 is our bespoke provision.
We are often asked by parents, referring agents and County alike if we can meet need for those who are struggling to find provision.
Me 2 allows us to have a conversation with all parties and design a programme around the person.
This is not something we do a lot of but we are flexible in trying to help where we can.
Independent Living Skills
From cooking, washing, understanding labels, ironing and shopping to personal health and hygiene, managing money and staying safe. All learners need to have skills that will enable them to become more independent, this. in turn, will enable them to address the ‘preparing for adulthood’ section of their EHCP.
We teach these skills in combination with either a particular vocational qualification and/or work experience.
Qualifications & Vocational Skills
New for 2024/25 we will be offering an English & Maths hub for all learners. For some this may look like a formal qualification and for others this may be embedded into everyday learning and living. Now English & Maths is usually where learners switch off (we know, we have seen that glazed over look as well as the yawns!), however, our new hub will be offering a very unique way of teaching these functional life skills. English & Maths can actually be lots of fun and we are happy to show you what this looks like this academic year!
In addition to the above, we currently offer qualifications in Skills for Living & Work as well as Employment Development Skills. These allow us to mix and match many modules in order to build a curriculum that works both for groups as well as individuals.
There are opportunities from Performing Arts to Enterprise and many more inbetween. This usually develops with the students interests and is not an exhaustive list.
We also offer the Arts Award in connection with The Minack Theatre.
Work Experience / Tasters / Volunteering
We aim to offer as many possible work experience options in a variety of industries as we can. We currently offer a minimum of 6 different blocks of work experience/volunteering opportunities throughout the year which is more than any other provider in the area.
It is important to contribute and give back to the local community/economy, this could be by paid employment or by volunteering. We work with community projects and local businesses to offer as much work/volunteering as possible. Sometimes young people don’t know what they want to do in the future therefore, we will try and offer as many opportunities to promote choice and informed decisions about their future.
If you are an employer, charity etc who would like to offer some of our young people work experience opportunities, then please do get in touch with us on workexperience@learn2cornwall.co.uk