Places available! – We are now able to accept applications for September 2022!
If you are looking for a new education provision for September 2022 then come and visit us first. It is important you can evidence your visit in order to explain your choices to your Careers South West Advisor.
We will meet you to have a good look around, ask questions and more importantly see how you feel because the environment is very important. The process of applying for a new provision is long! You must firstly visit ALL places available, then secondly report back to your Careers Advisor with reasons for your choice. Once complete, the Careers Advisor sends a report to Cornwall SEND Department who decides whether your place will be approved.
Don’t judge a book by its cover! Just because you have looked at a providers facebook page or website, doesn’t mean you KNOW what they do. Sometimes you will get more from actually speaking to the providers as we are specialists in our field and so are here to help.
Equally if you just don’t know what to do next, then visit as many places as possible to really explore what options are available.
Please keep an eye on our facebook page for our next open morning or contact us to request a visit.
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